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Research – Dutch Public Prosecutioner’s Office Study – Child sexual abuse allegations in divorce cases proved to be unjustified in 95% of cases (November 2008)

November 20, 2008

New study by the Expertgroup on Special Categories of Sexual Misconduct Cases with the Dutch Public Prosecution Office showed :: ‘Child abuse allegations in divorce cases are usually wrong in 95% of cases’

Allegations of child sexual abuse during and after a bitter divorce are usually unjustified. This is clear from the latest Dutch report “Abuse, Deception and Misunderstanding”, which was presented to a seminar of experts this month by the Dutch Public Prosecution Office. The report was prepared by the Dutch National Expertise Group on Special Cases of Sexual Misconduct with the Dutch Public Prosecution Office, which re-assessed complex, dubious police case records.

In the expertise group specialists from four disciplines worked together. They have studied criminal records of 42 cases of sexual misconduct that began after a divorce and on the basis of their conclusions they have drawn conclusions and offered advice to public prosecutors handling these cases. In 95 percent of these cases the experts called for the abandonment of the prosecution.

In these cases there was insufficient evidence of abuse and the expert group noted contradictions, inaccuracies, or impossibilities and serious shortcomings. Often there was no abuse but instead there were misunderstandings that went out of hand. Parents responded to ‘remarkable’ behavior that they wrongly interpreted as a signal of abuse. Alternative explanations were overseen by them.

Father Knowledge Centre Europe

14 Comments leave one →
  1. December 8, 2008 9:52 pm

    False allegations of sexual abuse and domestic violence have destroyed my life. Why can’t the judicial system understand that lies about abuse are detrimental to the well being of children? Oh that’s right the justice system is a gravy train for unscrupulous professionals claiming to act in the child’s best interests. No consequences for scum that invent malicious false allegations of abuse clearly show that the bent systems are saturated with unlawful gender discrimination.

  2. Jim Main permalink
    March 4, 2009 12:59 am

    I have been investigated twice by the Zebra Division of Social Services and both times the allegations were unfounded yet no criminal charges have been laid against the other party. In court the Judge stated that the mother has the right to make allegations whether true or false. I am living in a hell wondering when the next set of allegations will begin.

  3. March 6, 2010 1:44 pm

    If only the UK Government would take notice of these findings.

    “In these cases there was insufficient evidence of abuse and the expert group noted contradictions, inaccuracies, or impossibilities and serious shortcomings. Often there was no abuse but instead there were misunderstandings that went out of hand”.

    I review paperwork for appeal against conviction and have been astounded as to what the jury actually will accept that are physical impossibilities. In other case forensic proof has been put to the juries that what is alleged cannot have happened for a number of provable reasons – yet they still go on to convict.

    IMO cases such as these should be heard by a panel of experts for both sides and three judges who are specifically trained.

    However, I am but a nobody who the Government will not listen to.

  4. March 9, 2010 8:06 am

    Dear Helga, Jim and Dad4justice,

    At the Father Knowledge Centre UK, like you we are most aware that these (false) allegation cases in private law divorce cases are the most difficult cases to forward for better and more evidence- and sciencebased investigation, prosecution and family court practices.

    1. Needed: Independant expertgroup, national platform of victims, blackbook

    What needs to be done is to involve several independant experts and scientists from your universities on this field in an expertgroup and making it possible for them to (A) seriously study several concrete cases and (B) draw and (C) publicly forward their conclusions for better prosecution practices based on these studies.

    To have this done seriously however you would have to first establish a running debate (i.e. meetings and symposiums) with your national ministry of justice and your public prosecutioner’s office on the controversial issues relating to these cases, as their coöperation is most needed later on for any expertgroup to be successfull for a number of reasons (access to case files, access to their working procedures and involvement of their experts, etc.).

    To establish a running debate with your national ministry of justice and your national public prosecutioner’s office on the controversial issues relating to these cases, on the ‘victims’ side you would first have to organise yourself and join forces in a national working group or platform to be able to sufficiently document a number of individual cases and what went wrong in them in a report or a blackbook to open talks with your national ministry of justice and your national public prosecutioner’s office.

    2. Expertgroup of independant scientists within ranks and file of public prosecutioner’s office

    What is needed in the end is that your public prosecutioner’s office is willing to adopt and implement a more scientific approach by means of installing a scientific but independant expert group with experts recruited from your universities within its own ranks and file in order to have a more rational and scientific look and evaluation of their procedures and practices in a number of concrete cases in hinesight (i.e. detached from due process consequences in any individual case) and from there draw conclusions for better practices in the future.

    If in the contacts with your national public prosecutioner’s office you are able to establish a working relationship in which you can convince them that such a more rational and independant approach by an expertgroup within their own ranks and file is desperately needed in order to have their practices evaluated and better legitimised and grounded in science for the future, then you have made the first step to a tenuous and longlasting process to follow leading to better prosecution practices in the end.

    3. Closing remarks

    And that is exactly what happened in the Netherlands leading to the establishment of the independant expertgroup within the ranks and file of the Dutch Public Prosecutioner’s Office.

    If you do want something comparable in the UK and you do need help I am sure that both Robert Whiston FRSA, the president of the Father Knowledge Centre in the United Kingdom, and myself from the Father Knowledge Centre Europe are both willing to support your initiative in establishing that in the UK with the help of the Dutch example where ever we can.

    Peter Tromp MsC
    Father Knowledge Centre Europe

  5. March 9, 2010 9:28 am

    Look on

    Falsley Accused Carers and Teachers: although not the same as out domestic cases they have a research department.

    I sent the link to the solicitor I work for and Robert “Whiston” posted it up on the online support group I run.

    Most of my time is taken up with running that forum, and reviewing paperwork for those who are pre-trial and for appeals against conviction so I do not have time to campaign and lobby. What I do eats into my “social” life (whatever that might be!) but I am happy to email relevant links to other support groups in the hope that some of their members can assist.


  6. Robert Whiston permalink
    March 9, 2010 12:29 pm

    As Post Script I would simply add that in the UK there are several ‘Innocence Projects’ (prompted no doubt by the originl US programme that has seen more than 100 men exonerated).
    The US model has progressed on the basis that the DNA of those in prison does not match the DNA of the crime scene. I understand the FBI has been involved at some stages of the process.
    The current problem we have in the UK is that the Home Office (the Gov’t agency with responsibility) doesn’t believe or doesn’t want to know that miscarriages of justice are routine.

    R Whiston

  7. September 18, 2011 11:45 pm

    I am writing a Thesis on how countries can lower their child sexual abuse rate.
    The Netherlands appear to have a much lower CSA rate than New Zealand.
    I have been told that it was a combined effort by trained police, school teachers,
    doctors, social workers etc.- all well trained and working together.

    We do not have that here in New Zealand.
    Our under five child seual abuse rate is horrific.

    I woul;d appreciate any information you can email to me fro Holland.

    Kind Regards

    Andrea Deeth
    New Zealand
    tel 064 9 8276442

  8. September 18, 2011 11:49 pm

    I would like more information about the Netherlands and how you cope with child sexual abuse.
    We do not cope with it very well in New Zealand, and we have a much higher rate than you do- some people say 50%.
    I am writing a Thesis for my Master’s Degree.

    I would appreciate any information you can give me.

  9. Michel WILLEKENS permalink
    November 12, 2011 7:26 pm

    Des féministes étriquées (qui font fausse route) prétendent que ce n’est pas vrai ! Selon elles, il n’y aurait que 2/1000 environ et non pas de 95%.
    Nous sommes dans une véritable guerre de sexes (les femmes contre les hommes) où… lors des conflits de séparations ou des divorces… avec l’aide de son « ordure d’avocat menteur »… l’une des parties invoque des fausses allégations pour diaboliser l’autre partie afin de gagner le plus possible.
    En effet, il faut être une véritable ordure pour oser mentir afin de tromper la Justice !


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